Music ministers help lead the assembly in the sung worship of God. Our Collaborative Adult Choir, open to singers high-school age and older. Contact Monika Brodsky, Director of Music Ministries, for more information at [email protected].
All are welcome!
The Adult Altar Servers are a group of adults who assist the celebrant at Mass on weekdays, Sundays, Holy Days and funerals when needed.
Parishioners who are appointed and commissioned to assist in the distribution of Communion at weekday and Sunday Masses. Assignments to distribute Holy Communion at Sunday Mass usually occur about every third week. Coverage is also required for special Masses and on Holy Days. We also have a ministry to parishioners who are homebound.
This ministry is filled by appointment to ensure proper spiritual example and guidance.
Click here for the current Minister Schedule
This dedicated group maintains a neat and clean altar and sanctuary. Teams of two clean the altar and tabernacle areas as well as the remainder of the sanctuary, vestry, confessionals and baptistery each week. Each team is assigned approximately every six weeks. New members, who take pride in the sanctuary and the baptistery and love to work close to the Lord, are always welcome.
Charged with identifying and prioritizing problem areas and evaluating conditions for various buildings, equipment, and yard areas. Members provide time and talent for repairing and upgrading various equipment, interpreting existing engineering drawings, monitoring progress for completion of tasks and coordination with other parish ministries for buildings and grounds projects.
Volunteers who create a prayerful environment in the sanctuary to reflect changes in the liturgical seasons. This small group researches needed material and plans, designs, and sets up each liturgical display. The required talents include a strong back and an open, creative attitude.
A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week. Each group volunteers about once a month.
Volunteers are appointed to proclaim the Word of God and lead the Prayers of the Faithful. Lectors are generally assigned for one Mass every other week and occasionally on Holy Days, Missions and other special occasions. Workbooks are provided to help understand the readings and prepare for Masses.
Click here for the current Lector schedule.
Adults who take up the Sunday collection and distribute the weekly bulletins. Volunteers are welcome.
A group of parishioners appointed to carry out the parish responsibility to financially assist the needy families and individuals in our area. The group meets several times a year, as needed. Each parish has its own conference of St. Vincent de Paul serving the geographical boundaries of the parish.
The rosary is recited before each 9:00am Mass beginning at 8:30 a.m. All are invited to attend and join in the group responses. Come and offer your prayers and petitions to God through Mary.
Please join us in the chapel of Immaculate Conception on Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00am for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Come and spend some quiet time with Our Lord.
A group that, though not a parish organization, meets every Thursday at Saint Jerome Parish in St. Paula Hall at 7:30 p.m. in order to offer support to those dealing with the problems of alcohol addiction. All are welcome.
Teams of interested people who buy, prepare, and serve an evening meal monthly at the Father Bill's homeless shelter in Quincy. Volunteers generally serve about twice a year.
Canned and nonperishable food is collected each week on a shelf located at the front of each church. The food is then taken to the Weymouth Food Pantry on Thursday mornings for distribution to needy Weymouth families.
All women are welcome to this informal faith-sharing group.
The Martha group has been in existence for about 10 years. Our name is derived from the Bible Story of Mary and Martha. In Chapter 10 of the Gospel of Luke, Mary and Martha, who are sisters, open their home to Jesus as he travels with his disciples. As Martha hurries to ensure the house is clean and the food is prepared, Mary simply sits at the feet of Jesus and listens to the wisdom of Christ.
Who wouldn’t want to sit at the feet of Jesus. But there is always work to do. And this is why the Martha’s were created. We set up, bake, prepare, serve and clean up for many church functions. The Martha’s can be seen at events such as the Appreciation Dinner, Mission Nights and fundraisers.
If you would like to know more about the Martha’s, please email Trisha Carlson at [email protected]
This is a group of 10 - 12 parishioners, selected from both parishes in our Collaborative, which adivses and assists the Pastor in planning and coordinating the direction and activities of our parishes. Each member is appointed by the pastor to a two-year term, which can be extended to a second two-year term. The Council meets monthly from September through June, addressing a number of Collaborative issues such as strategic planning, evaluation and coordination of ministries, goal setting, policy formation and parish special events. They assist the Finance Council with finances and development/ fundraising activities. This ministry is required by Vatican law to represent the laity within each parish.
Meet the Pastoral Council
This is a group of 4-6 professionals selected from both parishes in our Collaborative to advise and assist the Pastor on financial and resource matters. Each is appointed to a three-year term which can be extended to a second three-year term. The group meets quarterly, with additional meetings as needed to address the annual parish and school budgets, risk management, financial strategic planning, capital renovations, repair and replacement issues and other related concerns. They work closely with the Buildings and Grounds Committee to assist in administering the physical resources of the Collaborative, and with the Collaborative Pastoral Council on policy and planning efforts.
Meet the Finance Council